The Program in Health Disparities Research supports educational programs to develop the next generation of health equity researchers through high-quality mentoring and training at the high school, undergraduate, graduate, and junior faculty levels. We are committed to expanding the diversity of the health equity research workforce.

PHDR Initiatives


Health Equity Leadership & Mentoring Program

An opportunity for diverse junior faculty members and health disparities researchers at the University of Minnesota to enhance their academic excellence and leadership capacity to reduce health inequities.

The University of Minnesota T32 Cancer Disparities Training Program
The T32 Cancer Disparities Training Program seeks to train researchers who are prepared to conduct community-engaged research to develop, test, and disseminate interventions in both clinical and community settings to reduce cancer-related health disparities among communities most impacted by inequities.


M-ASCEND: Advancing Science, Enhancing Diversity is a theoretically guided, evidence-driven program designed to support the academic persistence of high school and undergraduate students underrepresented in science, and promote their developmental progress towards future careers in cancer research.

Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series
The Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series on Health Disparities Research brings an acknowledged leader in health disparities research to the University to present lectures and meet in small groups with faculty, fellows, and students, and visit community organizations.
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